
Friday, July 1, 2016

Flower Box DIY

A few weeks ago I read a fantastic blog post about creating flower boxes here.
And as some of you might have seen it on instagram, I created myself one for my cousine's graduation.

All you need is a:
- paper box
- flower oasis foam
- water
- cellophane
- flowers  (I chose hydrangea, roses and little quaking grass)
- ribbon 

And how to make it:

Cut the flower oasis foam to the right size. Put the foam into the water for at least half an hour. Pad the paper box with cellophane. Cut the shanks of flowers to the right size. Put the foam on the cellophane and stick the flowers in the foam.
Bind the ribbon on the box.

PS.: I wanted my box to look a bit rustical but if you would like it to be a bit more sophisticated, you might as well paint it. Use acrylic paint.

Thanks for stopping by!
As always, your comments are highly appreciated.



1 comment:

  1. This looks absolutely beautiful. You did a fantastic job!!!

    <a href="”>Denton & Lou</a>
