
Sunday, December 31, 2017

I wish you a happy and prosperous new year.

'Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book.
Write a good one.'  Brad Paisley



Monday, December 11, 2017

Tips For A Stress-Free Holiday Season

1., Buy and decorate your Christmas tree early. This way you will get into that festive mood and you feel like you have managed to do one of the most important tasks.

2., Divide your house into sections and write a cleaning check list. This way you will not forget anything and the more ticks you have on that list, the more you can calm down.

3., Buy things online. You will save a lot of time not standing ques and not traveling. But try to select the goods from online stores you already have good experiences with. It is not fun to recieve a package full of poor quality products on 22th December. 

4., Meet up friends and ask them what and where they bought presents for their loved ones. You might get excellent tips. :)

5., Sit down and drink some hot chocolate. You will feel more motivated after a sort break from the stress.

6., If you have no idea, time or money at the moment, create a self-made coupon for a later experience. The best present you can give someone is your own precious time.

7., Magnesium+B6 - very good against stress and even helps you to sleep better. :)

How about you? Do you have any secrets to make it through the holiday season?

Thanks for stopping by.



Thursday, November 23, 2017


Things I am thankful for this year:

Being able to give birth naturally.

Being healthy.

Having a healthy son.

Being able to breastfeed.

Having a husband who loves me and our son to the moon and back.

Having a very helpful and generous sister.

Having (at least some) time for the blog.

Each and every supportive comment I got as a new mom.

Hope you have a wonderful day sorrounded by your loved ones.



Friday, November 17, 2017

Instapippi Lately ...

You can see other Insta related posts on the blog hereherehere and here.

Thanks for stopping by!

If you like these pics, don't forget to follow me on instagram.
Have a nice weekend.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Hot Apple And Purple Cabbage Salad

1 purple cabbage
300 ml water 
3 big apples
100 ml olive oil
1 spoonful of salt
1 spoonful of pepper
1 spoonful of ginger
5 eating spoons of honey
150 ml white wine vinegar

Cut cabbage into 115 wedges; remove thick core and discard. Pull the wedges apart. Heat the oil in a large diameter pot. Add the cabbage and 300 ml water. Peel and grate the apples. Simmer them for appr. 1 hour. Add the  salt, pepper. ginger, honey and the vinegar. Simmer it for another 15 minutes. Serve it hot.




Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Instapippi And Fall

If you like these photos. you can follow my Instagram account here.

You can find other Insta related posts here  and here.

Have a nice day.



Monday, October 30, 2017

Home Decor And Technology

Smart technology has been around for years. It started with phones, TVs, and went on with almost all sorts of home technology. Now you can reach your house and any devices in your house with the help of your phone anywhere, anytime  to perform a variety of automated tasks. And while the main goal is to make your life simpler, they are not only meant to make that. 
Nowadays they are also meant to make your home more beautiful and to cheer you up. 
With Aura Frames  it is all possible with photos of your family, friends, pets, etc..

Aura uses Smart Selection, updating your frame with new photos as soon as you take them – your best pictures will just appear on your frame immediately. 

Aura will avoid photos that are low contrast, blurry, duplicate, etc., and only displaying your
 best photos. With Christmas around the corner it is a good idea to give Aura to your parents or grandparents and you’ll become their favorite child without lifting
 a finger. You can even pre-select photos to appear on the frame right after they receive it. Aura automatically creates photo collections of the people who you take pictures of most often. Eliminating the need to go through and manage your photo library. If you pay attention to eco-friendliness, it might be a big plus for you that Aura uses a minimal amount of energy, and the display will automatically go to sleep when the room gets dark.  

Below you can find  graphics of other products where technology meets design to make your house not only smart but also beautiful.

How about you? Which smart home tech products do you use? Which ones are you planning in investing in in the future?

Thanks for stopping by. 
Your comments are highly appreciated.



Friday, October 27, 2017

How To Get Back In Shape After Giving Birth ...2

Did you know that jump roping can burn 135 calories in 10 minutes?
And that this single type of  workout  sculpts your shoulders, chest, arms, and legs?

I think with that said, it is safe to say that jump roping is one of the best ways to get back in shape quickly after giving birth. 
But be careful! It is not recommended in the first 6 weeks.

I rather waited with it until my son was 12 weeks old. I truly believe that your body needs some rest after giving birth. Do not overhustle it. You are beautiful and a wonderful mother even if you have a few kilos plus after giving birth. :)

If you would like to read more about getting in shape after pregnancy, read this post too.

Thanks for stopping by.



Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tested: Avéne & Biore

Biore Self-Heating One Minute Mask

 The minute I started to rub the product into my face it started to self-heat which feelt amazing on my skin.
I used it before going to bed. All that is required is a wet face , and 1 minute is truly enough for it to make a visible effect. After washing it off my face with a luewarm water, my skin felt really clean and fresh.
I love the use of charcoal in the mask as it hydrates the skin and removes all the dirt and toxins. This product is definitely one that comes on my  re-purchase list.

Cleanance Cleansing Gel is especially for sensitive oily blemish-prone skin. Mine is not like that so it caused a bit of dryness but not that much as to quit using it. I rather paid more attention to hydration than usual because the feeling of 'clearness' after using it really convinced me. :) 

But if you have dry skin, this product is definitely not for you. 
What I found a bit strange was that it is a soap-free product but smells like soap. I like the smell of soap so it does not really disturb me but  I was a bit surprised.I just did not expect the smell of soap in a soap-free product.  :)

How about you? Have you tested any new products recently?
Any recommendations?

Thanks for stopping by.



This post was not sponsored in any way, all opinions are mine.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

How To Get Back In Shape ... 1

"Before it was known and recognized as the common colorful plastic toy (sometimes with water or sand inside the actual hoop), the traditional "hula hoop" used to be made of dried up willow, rattan, grapevines, or stiff grasses. Even though they have existed for thousands of years, they are often misunderstood as having been invented in the 1950s." Source: Wikipedia

Before giving birth I thought that I will not have time to worry about my figure after giving birth, so I did not really make thoughts about my work out schedule after  pregnancy.

Well, I really did not have much time to think about it but every morning when I put on my trousers I was reminded. :)

Even though 3 weeks after giving birth I was only 3 kilos more than before my pregnancy, my trousers somehow would not to fit.

Of course, I did not have the time to hit the gym, so I had to think about activities I could do at home.

Walking with the baby is obviously a good start but I felt I needed more workout. So when my doctor said that everything was all right and I could start again with sports I grabbed my hula hoop.

It is a fun and easy way to get back in shape. Many remember doing it in their childhood and when they start doing it as adults, they do not really understand why it seems to be so difficult.

Well, you have to practice but after a few sessions you will love it. And the result can be seen really quickly.

How about you? How do you keep fit?

Your comments are highly appreciated.



Monday, September 18, 2017

Instapippi And The Pumpkin Season

You can see other Insta related posts on the blog hereherehere and here.

Thanks for stopping by!

If you like these pics, don't forget to follow me on instagram.
Have a nice weekend.



Friday, September 15, 2017


Just a quick hello and some Insta pics for today. 
For further ones click here and here.

                                                    Have a beautiful day.



Monday, September 11, 2017


Image result for wtc

In a survey done in 2011 just before the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, nearly all American adults said that they remembered exactly where they were and what they were doing the moment they heard the news of the attacks. 

Even though I am not American, I can exactly remember what I was doing. I was preparing for a history test in my room when my grandfather came and told me "America is under attack.".  I can  still remember the terrible feeling while watching the news on TV.
So today on the 16th anniverversary of the attacks let us take a minute to commemorate those lost on that day and let us spread peace and love. Violance and terrorism should never be the answer.

XX, Pippi

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Let's Party With Paperless

Hands up for those who do like invitation cards? 

If you are anything like me, you would still have all the invitation cards to birthday parties and weddings you have ever visited. :)

But nowadays it happens less and less often that we send/receive invitation cards. :(
It might be because we live in a digital world or it might be because we are all in stress and hustle all the time. Another reason for quick online invitations might be environmental consciousness.

But we should pay more attention to bithdays, dinner parties, etc., where we can meet our loved ones. Sending out beautiful invitation cards - in my opinion - is a sign of love and respect to the event and to the ones invited.
Isn't it a better feeling to receive a nice, personalized card than receiving a simple reminder on social media? Of course, hand-written invitation cards are the most personal ones. But what if your handwriting is not so nice to look at? And moreover, who has the time for writing them one by one?

Recently I have found the solution to this problem. I am thrilled to introduce you to the services of PAPERLESS POST.  The company was launched  to prove that communication could be personal and well-designed. They offer both paper and 'paperless' services depending on your preference.
And while digital invitations are relatively new, more and more people in the US and around the world have started to use them for  baby showers, birthdays, holidays, and even weddings. Paperless' site is really easy to use and offers beautiful designs for the clueless (you can browse designers hereand an opportunity to upload personal designs for the more creative ones.

For today I brought you three samples of invitation cards I have sent out recently with the help of  Paperless:

And now I can't wait to desing the invitation card to my son's 6-month-'birthday' party. :)

How about you? Do you use paper invitations or do you prefer to use any apps or online invitations when organizing a party?

Thanks for reading.



This post was sponsored by Paperless Post but - as always - all opinions are mine.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Wedding Style

At the beginning of the wedding season we can often read blog posts and magazine articles about what to wear to different types of weddings. I find them  really helpful and mostly like the ideas and dresses recommended but often feel that in this respect men's fashion is a bit neglected. You may say it is because they have to wear dark suits and that's it. But what if they are invited to several weddings in the same season?
 If it is a No-No for women to wear the same dress, is it also a No-No for men to wear the same suit or tuxedo?  Or what if the two weddings are soon after each other and the cleaner is on holiday? Shall the man on our side buy another suit even if he does not often wear suits? Well, these questions are not easy to answer and the answers definitely depend on his wallet, too. 

But how about a nice alternative?  With tuxedo and suit rental by The Black Tux your partner can rent suits and tuxedos intead of buying them. He saves money and space in his wardrobe while he attends the wedding in a super stylish suit. It is definitely a win-win situation.

And the best part is the they offer a free 48-hour home-try-on possibility.

Another plus point is that rental is more environmentally-friendly than buying. :)

Do you find it interesting?  Here is a little style guide for you from The Black Tux: 



This post was not sponsored. All opinions are mine.